The Art of Brewing A Perfect GujaraTEA Cup
Like Garba, Cha is never enough for GujaraTEAs. We always want one extra round, and we can have it anywhere and anytime! It is a tradition rooted in our DNA where everyone is welcomed regardless of who they are and where they come from!
In simple words, Cha is our way to show hopitaliTEA, love and care for people around us.
Everyone can make Cha, some even make Chai latte (eww) but not everyone can make a perfect GujaraTEA cup because it is an art and art require patience, practice, and ssome patience before your Cha finally smells like a letter from Saurashtra and swirls endlessly on garba beats.
We hope you are ready with a note and pen because we are about to spill the tea!
Follow the steps carefully.
First off comes tea leaves, not regular tea leaves. We are making GujaraTEA, so we must get the perfect colour and flavour profile. For instance, you can use our Tulsi Tea Gold or Tulsi Tea Brokens for an authentic Gujju taste.
Second, comes the masalas, so do a little spice hunting in your kitchen and look out for cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger and crush them like GujaraTEAs are crushing down their competitors in every business.
The third step is adding water. By adding water, we meant Matke ka water (pot water)
Fourth is the art of measurements. One teaspoon of tea leaves per cup – not more, not less; just the exact amount.
The steeping is a delicate dance. Let the tea and spices groove in that boiling water for 3–5 minutes. Not 2 minutes, not 6 minutes – brewing GujaraTEA is all about timing.
Then comes the pampering – add hot milk and sweet sugar. Don’t worry if you add a little more than intended. We GujaraTEAs do not mind sweetness at all. That’s the secret behind our sweet personalities.
Finally straining cha-cha. Use a Chhanni to separate GujaraTEA gold from the dried-up spices and leaves.
And there you have it- the perfect GujaraTea cup that will make any GujaraTEA’s tastebuds dance like they are in a Falguni Pathak or Aditya Gadhvi concert!